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1. Commission "Épigraphie et Informatique" of the AIEGL - General Assembly Report (1997-2002), Barcelona the 6th September 2002. (pdf)

2. Commission "Épigraphie et Informatique" of the l'AIEGL - Verbal of the meeting, 14th-16th November 2003. (pdf)

3. EAGLE - Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy - Statute and Regulation. (pdf)

4. EAGLE - Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy. Epigraphy, Information technology and historical research. International Congress, Rome the 7th-8th November 2008 - Congress Reports (pdf)

5. Commission "Épigraphie et Informatique" of the AIEGL - General Assembly Report (2002-2007), Oxford 2007 (pdf)

6. G. Tozzi, Bilingual Inscriptions of Rome and their Digital Edition in EDR (Epigraphic Database Roma) - poster presented at the 143 Annual Meeting dell'American Philological Association (5-8 gennaio 2012, Philadelphia, PA) (zip)

7. L. Ebanista, G. Fatucci, S. Gozzini, F. Lamonaca, P. Pacchiarotti, I Signacula del Museo Nazionale Romano: un'esperienza didattica tra studio... e EDR. - Poster presented at the Congress 'Instrumenta Inscripta V - Signacula ex aere.' (pdf)

8. S. Panciera, Notizie da EAGLE - published on Epigraphica, 75, 2013, pp. 502-506. (pdf)

9. - EDR - Effetti Collaterali - published on Scienze dell'Antichit , 20, 2014, pp. 267-289. (pdf)

10. - F. Frasson, C. Gabrielli, N. Lapini, C. Slavich, Accessing the Inaccesible - poster presented at RICHES 2014 (4-5 Dicembre 2014, Pisa) (pdf)

11. - G. Crimi, Il contributo di EDR all'aggiornamento del CIL: l'iscrizione dedicatoria delle Terme di Diocleziano alla luce di un nuovo frammento - published on Epigraphica, 77, 2015, pp. 426-446 (pdf)

12. - M. Cristina de la Escosura Balb s, Immigration Epigraphy. The Hispani in Roman Europe - poster presented at The Second North American Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (NACGLE) - 4-6 January 2016 (pdf)

13. - G. Cecconi apud L. Bombardieri - A.M. Jasink, What is a Didactic Archive? New Didactic Tools for Epigraphy, Paleography and Philology in Florence - published on Do-so-mo, 11, 2015, pp. 9-26 (pdf)

14. - S. Orlandi et Alii, EDR - Effetti collaterali 2 - published on Scienze dell'Antichit , 21, 2015, pp. 242-254 (pdf)

15. - EDR Meeting (21 March 2017) Verbal (pdf)

16. - C. Cenati, G. Crimi, S. De Martini, D. Redaelli, Laterculi praetorianorum rivisti e corretti - poster presented at XV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae (AIEGL) - Vindobonae 2017 (pdf)

17 - S. Orlandi et Alii, EDR - Effetti collaterali 3 - published on Scienze dell'Antichit , 22, 2016. pp. 79-90 (pdf)

18 - S. Orlandi, G. Crimi, Public Baths in the 4th-5th Century Rome: Between Popular Needs and Technical Language - poster presented at Congress De aquaeductu urbis Romae. Sextus Iulius Frontinus and the water of Rome (International Conference of the Frontinus-Society on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region) - Rome 2018 (pdf)

19 - L. Parisini, Professionisti del lusso nell'epigrafia monumentale dell'Italia adriatica - poster presented at International Cohngress AdriAtlas 2019 (pdf)

20 - S. Orlandi et Alii, EDR - Effetti collaterali 5 - published on Scienze dell'Antichit , 25, 2019, pp. 133-146 (pdf)

21 - Newspaper article about Epigraphy and Digitalization - published on "La Provincia" (15/09/2022) (pdf)


The EDR database has exclusively non commercial purposes: its aims are purely scientific and educational. The copyright status of both the images stored in EDR and the artifacts reproduced therein has been carefully checked. Below it is possible to retrieve the main documents authorising the use of the images of inscriptions and epigraphic manuscripts that are preserved in libraries and museum collections. Should you find any mistake or omission, please use this link to notify us, so that we can correct it. [Suggestions for improving this resource are also welcome.]

- Ministero per i Beni e le Attivit Culturali - Authorization

- Ministero per i Beni e le Attivit Culturali - March 2014 Newsletter

- Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra - Authorization

- Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra - Aggreement

Museums and Local Authorities
- Musei di Fiesole - Authorization

- Museo Maffeiano di Verona - Authorization

- Museo di Villa Guinigi (Lucca) e Museo Etrusco Guarnacci (Volterra) - Authorization

- Museo Civico di Alatri - Authorization

- Museo Civico Archeologico di Milano - Authorization

- Soprintendenza del Mare - Authorization

- Soprintendenza Capitolina - Portico dei Leoni, Villa Borghese - Authorization

- Soprintendenza Capitolina - Sepolcro degli Scipioni - Authorization

- Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna- Authorization

- Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Ferrara - Authorization

- Ente Oliveri - Authorization

Archives and Libraries

- Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze - Authorization

- Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze - Authorization

- Archivio di Stato di Roma - Authorization

Foreign Museums and Istitutions

- Mus e du Louvre - Authorization

- Fabbrica di San Pietro - Authorization

- Museo di Palma de Mallorca - Authorization