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Free and direct access

A) Greek and Latin Authors

- Bibliotheca Augustana (anthology of Latin and Greek texts from antiquity, middle ages and modern times)

- Internet Classics Archive (441 classics, available in English and in their original languages)

- Latin Library (wide selection of classic and post-classic authors)

- Libellus Project (wide selection of classic authors)

- Perseus Project (hundreds of Greek and Latin authors, available in English and in their original languages)

- Suda On-Line (in progress online version of the famous Byzantine Encyclopedia)

- DFHG - Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (digital edition of the volumes of Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum by M. Berti)

B) Greek and Latin Epigraphy

- Clauss-Slaby/Inschriften (wide archive of Latin inscriptions, divided into several folders: AE, CIL, et cetera)

- Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (part of this federation)

- Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) (part of this federation)

- Searchable Greek Inscriptions (online version of the Cornell Greek Epigraphy Project's database of Greek inscriptions)

- EDF - Epigraphic Database Falsae (False inscription collection)

- I.Sicily (digital corpus of inscriptions found in Sicily)

- Imaging Inscriptions (hundreds of images of Greek inscriptions from IG I and II)

- ConcEyst (wide selection of Greek and Latin inscriptions – not online, but it is possible to download and look through it entering textual queries or different searches)

- Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine (Corpus aimed at collecting all epigraphy of Israel/Palestine – work in progress -)

- Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (online collection of Greek names from VIII century B.C. to late antiquity)

- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum II (website created by Alcalà University with images of inscriptions contained in CIL II new volumes)

- Vindolanda Tablets on-line (Database of Vindolanda’s tablets 118-573)

- Aphrodisia in Late Antiquity (second edition of the Aphrodisian Inscriptions volume)

- The Ancient Graffiti Project (Ancient Graffiti Project)

- The Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project (Digital edition of the catalog of Latin inscriptions in the Ashmolean Museum)

- Attic Inscriptions Online" (collection of inscriptions from Athens and Attica)

- Attic Vase Inscriptions (collection of inscriptions on attic vases)

- Carmina Latina Epigraphica Hispaniae (collection of metric inscriptions from Hispaniae)

- Dodona Online (digital edition of the oracular laminets found in Dodona)

- IOSPE - Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea (digital corpus of ancient inscriptions from the northern coast of the Black Sea)

- Iscrizioni della Cirenaica greche (IGCyr) (digital corpus of the Greek inscriptions of Cyrenaica)

- The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (digital version of the volume )

- MAMA - Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI (digital version of the volume concerning Licia and Licaonia's Inscriptions)

- Pandektis - Digital Thesaurus of Primary Source for Greek History and Culture (collection of Greek and Latin inscriptions from Upper Macedonia, the coasts of Thrace and Achaia)

- PETRAE (online version of the volumes realized through PETRAE)

- Roman Iscriptions of Britain (digitalizzazione delle iscrizioni romane della provincia di Britannia)

- I Bolli Doliari Romani dell'Italia centro-occidentale (preliminary edition of the volume edited by E.M. Steinby)

C) Indexes and useful instruments for Epigraphy

- Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions (list of abbreviations traceable in Latin inscriptions)

- CIL Open Access

- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Indexes of CIL I2, pars 2, fasc. 4 e CIL XVII, pars 4, fasc. 1)

- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Concordances with CIL’s volumes)

- Archivium Corporis Electronicum (collection of casts, pictures and bibliographical data from CIL)

- Ubi erat lupa (website hosting 4 databases concerning Inscripted Monuments in their architectural context, Inscriptions from Iberian peninsula, Roman finds discovered outside the Empire, Roman stamps from Vienna and Moravia)

- Repertory of slaves and freedmen by P. Weaver

- Supplement 1877-2004 to the onomastic indexes of CIL V – IX regio

- Formulary of the funerary inscriptions from IX regio)

- Le iscrizioni imperatorie e della domus Augusta (collection of the inscriptions from IX regio containig emperor’s name or names of his family)

- Le iscrizioni sacre (collection of religious inscriptions from regio IX)

- AXON - Iscrizioni storiche greche (selection of Greek inscriptions chosen according to their historical relevance)

- Celtic Personal Names of Roman Britain (collection of Celtic names derived from inscriptions of Britannia)

- CLAROS - Concordance of Greek Inscriptions (concordances between various collections of Greek inscriptions)

- ELA - The Epigraphic Landscape of Athens" (public inscriptions of Athens inserted in their topographical context)

- Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien (collection of Greek and Latin inscriptions found in Turkey)

- PCAS Archivio digitale (digital archives of the Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra)

- Roman One by One (database of the people recorded in the Greek and Roman epigraphs of the provinces of Moesia Inferior, Moesia Superior, Dacia and the urban centers of Pannonia)

- Trismegistos (interdisciplinary portal on the ancient world)

- U.S. Epigraphy Project (census of Greek and Latin epigraphic collections located in the U.S.A.)

D) Papyruses

- Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) (Corpus of the Papyrus Documents - work in progress)

- Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri (Papyrilogical section of the Perseus Project)

- Papirology (website by Drew University containing a review of the online papyrological resources)

E) Coins

- American Numismatic Society (website of the American Numismatic Society, where thematic indexes of the Numismatic Literature are available)

- Magna Graecia Coins (database containing almost 1500 pictures of coins from Magna Graecia)

- Virtual Catalog of Roman Coins (coins’ descriptions and pictures up to the IV century A.C.)

F) Prosopography

- Prosopography of Ancient Attica (up to the pre-augustan age)

- Prosopographia Imperii Romani (centuries. I-III A.C.)

- Laterculi Praesidum - Addenda

- Prosopographia Tolemaica (300 - 30 a.C.)

G) Cartography

- Cartographic Images (collection of planimetria pictures and geographical maps, spanning from Antiquity to Reinassance)

- Interactive Ancient Mediterranean (collection of geographical maps from the Ancient Mediterraneo, available as PDF)

- Atlas historique de l'Antiquité tardive (collection of geographical maps from late antiquity)

- Pleiades (Ancient Word Mapping Center)

H) Various

- Antiqua Medicina: From Homer to Vesalius (online exhibit on ancient medical science)

- Guide to Early Church Documents (commentary on ancient Church documents)

- Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity (collection of online resources for Judaic and Christian studies)

- The Tradition of Magic in Late Antiquity (online article)

- Palingenesia of Latin Private Rescripts (private imperial rescripts from 195-305 A.C.)

- Projet Volterra (database of the imperial edicts from 193 to 455 A.C.)

- Collection of Greek Ritual Norms (collection of leges sacrae)

- Epigraphic Squeezes (Digitized casts of Greek inscriptions preserved at the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies (CNERS) of the University of British Columbia)

- E-Stampages (project of digitization of casts of Greek inscriptions from Thasos, Delos and Philippi and of the collection of casts of the Greek Epigraphy Laboratory of Ca' Foscari University)

- Krateros (Digitized casts of the Institute for Advanced Study)

I) Bibliography

- Bibliotheca Classica Selecta. Bibliography d'orientation (BCS BOR) (selection of bibliographical resources, organized by subject )

- Guide de l'épigraphiste (Supplements to the homonymous volume)

- Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine (BAHR) (bibliographical database taken from the Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine starting from 2000)

- DRANT. Centre de Documentation des Droits de l'Antiquité (bibliographical database on Law in Antiquity)

- TOCS-IN (Screening of 185 journals’ indexes concerning Classic world, ancient Near East and History of Religions starting from 1992)

- ZPE (journal’s website allowing access to the consultation of all the volumes indexes)

L) Other information

- Rassegna degli strumenti informatici per lo studio dell'Antichità Classica (review of internet tools for Classical Studies)

- Current Epigraphy (informative blog on epigraphic research and studies)

- EPIDOC (informative website of EPIDOC)

- Pelagios Network (websit of Network Pelagios)

For observations and suggestions please use the EDR online forum.