A) Greek and Latin Authors
Bibliotheca Augustana (anthology of Latin and Greek texts from antiquity, middle ages and modern times)
Internet Classics Archive (441 classics, available in English and in their original languages)
Latin Library (wide selection of classic and post-classic authors)
Libellus Project (wide selection of classic authors)
Perseus Project (hundreds of Greek and Latin authors, available in English and in their original languages)
Suda On-Line (in progress online version of the famous Byzantine Encyclopedia)
DFHG - Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (digital edition of the volumes of Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum by M. Berti)
B) Greek and Latin Epigraphy
Clauss-Slaby/Inschriften (wide archive of Latin inscriptions, divided into several folders: AE, CIL, et cetera)
Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (part of this federation)
Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) (part of this federation)
Searchable Greek Inscriptions (online version of the Cornell Greek Epigraphy Project's database of Greek inscriptions)
EDF - Epigraphic Database Falsae (False inscription collection)
I.Sicily (digital corpus of inscriptions found in Sicily)
Imaging Inscriptions (hundreds of images of Greek inscriptions from IG I and II)
ConcEyst (wide selection of Greek and Latin inscriptions – not online, but it is possible to download and look through it entering textual queries or different searches)
Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine (Corpus aimed at collecting all epigraphy of Israel/Palestine – work in progress -)
Lexicon of Greek Personal Names (online collection of Greek names from VIII century B.C. to late antiquity)
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum II (website created by Alcalà University with images of inscriptions contained in CIL II new volumes)
Vindolanda Tablets on-line (Database of Vindolanda’s tablets 118-573)
Aphrodisia in Late Antiquity (second edition of the Aphrodisian Inscriptions volume)
The Ancient Graffiti Project (Ancient Graffiti Project)
The Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project (Digital edition of the catalog of Latin inscriptions in the Ashmolean Museum)
Attic Inscriptions Online" (collection of inscriptions from Athens and Attica)
Attic Vase Inscriptions (collection of inscriptions on attic vases)
Carmina Latina Epigraphica Hispaniae (collection of metric inscriptions from Hispaniae)
Dodona Online (digital edition of the oracular laminets found in Dodona)
IOSPE - Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea (digital corpus of ancient inscriptions from the northern coast of the Black Sea)
Iscrizioni della Cirenaica greche (IGCyr) (digital corpus of the Greek inscriptions of Cyrenaica)
The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (digital version of the volume )
MAMA - Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua XI (digital version of the volume concerning Licia and Licaonia's Inscriptions)
Pandektis - Digital Thesaurus of Primary Source for Greek History and Culture (collection of Greek and Latin inscriptions from Upper Macedonia, the coasts of Thrace and Achaia)
PETRAE (online version of the volumes realized through PETRAE)
Roman Iscriptions of Britain (digitalizzazione delle iscrizioni romane della provincia di Britannia)
I Bolli Doliari Romani dell'Italia centro-occidentale (preliminary edition of the volume edited by E.M. Steinby)
C) Indexes and useful instruments for Epigraphy
Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions (list of abbreviations traceable in Latin inscriptions)
CIL Open Access
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Indexes of CIL I2, pars 2, fasc. 4 e CIL XVII, pars 4, fasc. 1)
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Concordances with CIL’s volumes)
Archivium Corporis Electronicum (collection of casts, pictures and bibliographical data from CIL)
Ubi erat lupa (website hosting 4 databases concerning Inscripted Monuments in their architectural context, Inscriptions from Iberian peninsula, Roman finds discovered outside the Empire, Roman stamps from Vienna and Moravia)
Repertory of slaves and freedmen by P. Weaver
Supplement 1877-2004 to the onomastic indexes of CIL V – IX regio
Formulary of the funerary inscriptions from IX regio)
Le iscrizioni imperatorie e della domus Augusta (collection of the inscriptions from IX regio containig emperor’s name or names of his family)
Le iscrizioni sacre (collection of religious inscriptions from regio IX)
AXON - Iscrizioni storiche greche (selection of Greek inscriptions chosen according to their historical relevance)
Celtic Personal Names of Roman Britain (collection of Celtic names derived from inscriptions of Britannia)
CLAROS - Concordance of Greek Inscriptions (concordances between various collections of Greek inscriptions)
ELA - The Epigraphic Landscape of Athens" (public inscriptions of Athens inserted in their topographical context)
Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien (collection of Greek and Latin inscriptions found in Turkey)
PCAS Archivio digitale (digital archives of the Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra)
Roman One by One (database of the people recorded in the Greek and Roman epigraphs of the provinces of Moesia Inferior, Moesia Superior, Dacia and the urban centers of Pannonia)
Trismegistos (interdisciplinary portal on the ancient world)
U.S. Epigraphy Project (census of Greek and Latin epigraphic collections located in the U.S.A.)
D) Papyruses
Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) (Corpus of the Papyrus Documents - work in progress)
Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri (Papyrilogical section of the Perseus Project)
Papirology (website by Drew University containing a review of the online papyrological resources)
E) Coins
American Numismatic Society (website of the American Numismatic Society, where thematic indexes of the
Numismatic Literature are available)
Magna Graecia Coins (database containing almost 1500 pictures of coins from Magna Graecia)
Virtual Catalog of Roman Coins (coins’ descriptions and pictures up to the IV century A.C.)
F) Prosopography
Prosopography of Ancient Attica (up to the pre-augustan age)
Prosopographia Imperii Romani (centuries. I-III A.C.)
Laterculi Praesidum - Addenda
Prosopographia Tolemaica (300 - 30 a.C.)
G) Cartography
Cartographic Images (collection of planimetria pictures and geographical maps, spanning from Antiquity to Reinassance)
Interactive Ancient Mediterranean (collection of geographical maps from the Ancient Mediterraneo, available as PDF)
Atlas historique de l'Antiquité tardive (collection of geographical maps from late antiquity)
Pleiades (Ancient Word Mapping Center)
H) Various
Antiqua Medicina: From Homer to Vesalius (online exhibit on ancient medical science)
Guide to Early Church Documents (commentary on ancient Church documents)
Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity (collection of online resources for Judaic and Christian studies)
The Tradition of Magic in Late Antiquity (online article)
Palingenesia of Latin Private Rescripts (private imperial rescripts from 195-305 A.C.)
Projet Volterra (database of the imperial edicts from 193 to 455 A.C.)
Collection of Greek Ritual Norms (collection of leges sacrae)
Epigraphic Squeezes (Digitized casts of Greek inscriptions preserved at the Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies (CNERS) of the University of British Columbia)
E-Stampages (project of digitization of casts of Greek inscriptions from Thasos, Delos and Philippi and of the collection of casts of the Greek Epigraphy Laboratory of Ca' Foscari University)
Krateros (Digitized casts of the Institute for Advanced Study)
I) Bibliography
Bibliotheca Classica Selecta. Bibliography d'orientation (BCS BOR) (selection of bibliographical
resources, organized by subject
Guide de l'épigraphiste (Supplements to the homonymous volume)
Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine (BAHR) (bibliographical database taken from the Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine starting from 2000)
DRANT. Centre de Documentation des Droits de l'Antiquité (bibliographical database on Law in Antiquity)
TOCS-IN (Screening of 185 journals’ indexes concerning Classic world, ancient Near East and History of Religions starting from 1992)
ZPE (journal’s website allowing access to the consultation of all the volumes indexes)
L) Other information
Rassegna degli strumenti informatici per lo studio dell'Antichità Classica (review of internet tools for Classical Studies)
Current Epigraphy (informative blog on epigraphic research and studies)
EPIDOC (informative website of EPIDOC)
Pelagios Network (websit of Network Pelagios)
For observations and suggestions please use the EDR online