NOTICE: in order to have a correct view of the epigraphic records stored in EDR, it is necessary to download and install “
Font Cardo” created by Dr. DJ Perry of New York Rye High School. We warmly thank him for having authorized the use of it. For further info on the font, go to the author’s
EDR Database can be consulted through the following sections:
1.- Record number
knowing the number of a specific entry, it is possible to view the entry directly by inserting the code prior to the letters EDR (i.e. EDR000012).
2.- Ancient region
In case of a limited search in one of the geographical ancient areas within the scope of EDR (Roma, regio Italiae, Sicilia, Sardinia), it is possible to use a dropdown menu to select a specific geographical area among those having at least one inscription in the database (i.e. Roma).
After having selected the first name, it's possible to select other areas to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted.
3.- Modern region
In case of a limited search among the inscriptions found in a specific modern geographical area within the scope of EDR, it is possible to use this section's dropdown menu to select a specific geographical area among those having at least one inscription in the database (i.e., I).
After having selected the first name, it’s possible to select other areas to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted.
4.- Ancient city
This section allows to narrow the search to inscriptions found within a single ancient settlement (colonia, municipium, civitas, pagus, vicus, etc.) or in its surroundings using the corresponding ancient name (i.e., Genua). It will be enough to type the first letters of the name to get a list of the ancient cities recorded in the database and including these letters. Once selected the first name, it will be possible to add another city, using the same procedure. In this way, it is possible to search among inscriptions from more than one ancient city at the same time.
5.- Modern city
This section, as the above, allows to narrow the search to inscriptions found within a single ancient settlement using the corresponding modern name (i.e. Genova) instead of the ancient one. It will be enough to type the first letters of the name to get a list of the modern cities recorded in the database and including these letters. Once selected the first name, it will be possible to add another city, using the same procedure. In this way, it is possible to search among inscriptions from more than one modern city at the same time.
6.- Findspot
This section allows topographical searches and to narrow the search to inscriptions found in a specific modern site – which may or may not correspond to an ancient autonomous settlement – with possible further specifications (i.e.: Gradisca d'Isonzo, Molamatta [part of the territory of Aquileia, but distinct from it]). To search two different findspots at the same time, it's possible to duplicate this search section pressing the button +.
7.- Storage place
This section allows to limit the search to the places where the inscriptions are kept (i.e.: Terzo di Aquileia, Casa Franco).
To search two different storage places at the same time, it’s possible to duplicate this search section pressing the button +.
8.- Type of Object
This section allows the retrieval of data selecting the typology of the object where the inscriptions were made. . It will be enough to type the first letters of the name to get a list of the types of object recorded in the database and including these letters. To search two different object types at the same time, it’s possible to duplicate this search section pressing the button +. Note that the items may contain only the codified Latin names (and related details) available in
table 1 (i.e., cinerarium).
9.- Material
This section allows the retrieval of data selecting the nature of the inscriptions' support material. It will be enough to type the first letters of the name to get a list of the materials recorded in the database and including these letters. After having selected the first name, it's possible to select other materials to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted. Note that the items may contain only the codified Latin names (and related details) available in
tables 2 (i.e., lapis).
10.- Size
This section allows the retrieval of data using as a search query the epigraphic object’s sizes. It is possible to obtain information on height (alt.), width (lat.), thickness or diameter (crass./diam.). A dropdown menu with major (>) and minor (<) symbols allows to search larger or smaller sizes than the one typed in the corresponding section. Note: this section has been active since April, 2008.
11.- Preservation condition
This section allows to limit the search to intact or fragmentary texts. After having selected the first item, it’s possible to select other items to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted. If interested in viewing inscriptions whose text is complete, select tit. integer; if interested in viewing fragmentary texts (preserved for at least 50%), select tit. mutilus or tit. fragmentum. For minimal portions of text or reassembled fragments from an inscription, select one of the following options (tit. fragmenta inter se coniuncta, tit. fragmenta inter se non coniuncta, tit. fragmenta partim tantum inter se coniuncta). Note: this section has been active since April, 2008.
12.- Writing technique
This section allows the retrieval of data using as a search query the writing technique of the inscription. After having selected the first item, it’s possible to select other items to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted. Please note: the available options are only those mentioned in
table 3, where you can find all related details (i.e. scalpro).
13.- Language
This section allows to limit the search exclusively to latin, greek, latin-greek bilingual or other bilingual inscriptions, selecting within this section’s dropdown menu. After having selected the first item, it’s possible to select other items to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted.
14.- Religio
This section allows to limit the search to pagans, Jewish, Christian or uncertain texts. After having selected the first item, it’s possible to select other items to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted.
15.- Versus
This section allows to limit the search to verse inscriptions, typing carmina omnia or selecting a specific type of verse. After having selected the first item, it’s possible to select other items to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted.
16.- Type of inscription
This section allows searches querying the main functions of the selected inscriptions.
After having selected the first item, it’s possible to select other items to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted. Please note: available functions are only those mentioned in
table 4, where you can find all related details (i.e. sacer).
17.- Social role of mentioned people
This section allows searches based on social role of each person mentioned in the inscriptions. After having selected the first item, it’s possible to select other items to be searched at the same time, pressing the button CTRL. The selected names will be highlighted. Social classes already recorded and their related details can be found in
table 5 (i.e. mil.)
18.- Editions
This section allows searches querying inscriptions’ bibliography, entering for Corpora and Sylloges the abbreviations enlisted in
table 6, and for Periodicals the abbreviations in
table 7. It is necessary to type complete titles for Monographies and Miscellanies (i.e. CIL 06, 00000; AE 0000, 0000; Not. Sc., 0000). To search two different editions at the same time, it’s possible to duplicate this search section pressing the button +.
19.- Text
This section allows to enter – without brackets or dots, possibly cutting the desinence – words or groups of letters traceable in EDR stored inscriptions. To search two different words at the same time, it’s possible to duplicate this search section pressing the button +, and selecting the Boolean menu AND or OR. Function AND will find all the inscriptions containing both words. Function OR will find all the inscriptions containing either word (i.e. simple search: Dis; complex search: Dis [in field I]; Parentibus [in field II]. Function AND will find all the inscriptions containing Dis and Parentibus). Entering few sequential words in the same field, it’s possible to retrieve all texts in which selected words show an identical form and series (i.e. Dis Manibus). In this section it’s possible to search also some “regular expressions”. Examples can be found in the following table.
It seemed useful to devote a search query to numerals marked by peculiar signs. Double round brackets is the graphic reference chosen to combine these numerals with other symbols. The numerals registered into double round brackets are arabic numbers, preceded by the sign %. So, please use the above procedure to search numerals. Entering % within Text section it is possible to find all inscriptions containing anomalous numerals. Entering %+number it is possible to find a specific digit (examples are available in the following
Greek keyboard
To make easier the search of texts in Greek letters, it’s possible to use the Greek keybord that can be visualized pressing the button “Greek keyboard”. As for the Latin, Greek words must be entered without brackets, points, accents and spirits.
20.- Apparatus
This section allows searches in the Apparatus of the records. To search two different items at the same time, it’s possible to duplicate this search section pressing the button +.
21.- Date
The five fields included in this section allow to limit the search exclusively to inscriptions’ chronology, either entering day and month (1), day, month and year (2), year (3), time span (4), historical period (5) as follows:
(1) |
Using the dropdown menu select dies for day and mensis for month. |
(2) |
In case of month and day refer to the above procedure (1). Enter the year either typing annus in.(first year) or annus fin (last year). For B.C. dates: type the – sign before the number. |
(3) |
In case of a single year refer to the above procedure (2). |
(4) |
Time span can be defined: |
a) |
using the dropdown menu and selecting the > sign after typing annus in., and the < sign after typing annus fin.(for B.C dates type the – sign before the number; turn the centuries into cardinal numbers [i.e.: I-II centuries A.C. = 1-200]) |
b) |
entering a terminus a quo within annus in. and selecting > sign within the dropdown menu, or entering a terminus ante quem within annus fin. and selecting < sign within the dropdown menu (i.e.: 250 annus in. plus selection of > sign = inscriptions dating the half of the III century onwards). |
(5) |
Selecting a historical period in the dropdown menu |
Notice: numbers have no absolute value. As their sole purpose is to define approximate time spans essential to computer’s elaboration, follow the below list:
early I century |
= |
1/30 |
first half of the I c. |
= |
1/50 |
middle of the I c. |
= |
31/70 |
second half of the I c |
= |
51/100 |
late I sec. |
= |
71/100 |
late I/early II c. |
= |
71/130 |
around 144 |
= |
143/145 |
last third of the II sec. |
= |
167/200 |
II century B.C. |
= |
-200/-101 |
I century B.C. |
= |
-100/-1 |
I century A.C. |
= |
1-100 |
II century. A.C. |
= |
101-200 |
III century. A.C. |
= |
201-300 |
Search Option
Using boolean operators OR/AND it is possible to search through many fields, horizontally as well as vertically. The vertical query, related to AND (but editable in OR using the dropdown menu next to AND), allows concurrent searches in many fields. I.e. selecting AND (already set) you can find all the aras (write “ara” in Rerum distributio) located in Rome (write “Roma” in Urbs antiqua), dating to the I century A.C. (write “ > 1 and < 101 ” in Tempus’ section). The horizontal query (designed according to the most expected cases) allows different searches within the same field. I.e. Foro Romano OR Palatino within Locus inventionis; sen. OR eq. within Titulorum distributio.
NOT Boxes
Temporarily disactivated.
Search order
Selecting one of the three options at the bottom of Search Page (Record number, Ancient city, Modern city), it is possible to choose different search orders: by progressive record number (default), by ancient city (alphabetical order) or by modern city (alphabetical order).
Search and Reset
Search and Reset, which are two keys at the bottom of the Search page, allow to start the query and reset the window erasing data already typed in order to enter a new search.
Suggest emendations
This button allows the suggestion of emendations: an automatically generated email is sent to the responsible of the working group that has recorded the inscription.